Archive for March, 2013

What is Granular Restore and How to Use it for Hyper-V Guest Recovery?

Note: This page uses Hyper-V as an example; however, Granular Restore works for VMware and VirtualBox as well. Granular Restore is a recovery module being used after a backup for a Hyper-V server has been completed. In contrast to full virtual machine recoveries, this operation allows prompt access to backed up files that reside inside […]

Things to Consider: General Characteristics of CSV

You cannot back up VMs running on another node, even if they share the same storage on a SAN. Application consistent backups require backup software to run locally on the node that hosts the VM. Windows Server 2008 and R2 Specifics You may only run one backup across all nodes of an entire cluster shared […]

Things to Consider:Cluster Shared Volumes

Cluster Shared Volume backups are fully supported in BackupChain Server Edition and Server Enterprise Edition. It is recommended to limit read and write I/O speeds or to use separate network adapters for backup traffic, in order to keep the server network balanced. You may need to use the domain administrator account for your iSCSI provider […]

Automatic Hyper-V Backup on a Schedule

The automated Single Click Backup & Restore feature for Hyper-V reduces the effort and takes care of all the steps outlined in the previous section. Start with the Backup Wizard: Create a new Hyper-V Backup task: Select Automatic Hyper-V Backup and turn on CSV mode in case you are using cluster shared volumes: Then, select […]

How to Restore a File Based Backup of Hyper-V

To restore a Hyper-V virtual machine using the standard file restore process, select the backup task from the Backup Task List (unless restoring on a new machine) and select Restore from the main menu. Proceed with Restore Files and Folders: Then you need to fill in the details about the backup location. This information is […]

How to Create A File-based Backup of Hyper-V

The file-based approach is not recommended unless you are an advanced user. It is not recommended for cluster shared volumes. Most users should use the Automatic Hyper-V Backup feature instead, see next section below. Note that you can only back up live virtual machines when they are stored locally. Live backup does not work over […]

How to Backup and Restore Hyper-V Virtual Machine

Are you in search of a straightforward method to backup and restore Hyper-V virtual machine guests on Windows Server 2022-2008 or Windows 11-8 PCs? With BackupChain’s Hyper-V server backup software, you can easily configure and backup Hyper-V virtual machines in just three minutes and a few simple steps. Perform backups for both the Windows host […]

How to Configure a Hyper-V Granular Backup

Granular Backups are great for saving money and time because you can access all VM files from the host without installing agents. What Exactly Is Granular Backup? Granular backup is a feature in BackupChain that allows you to back up files and folders that are stored inside the VM. However, you don’t need to install […]