3D Software and How to Use It

When you're using 3d software there are some things that you should keep in mind so that you end up with the best results. The most important thing is to keep it simple when you're just learning how to use the software.

You need to recognize that you're not going to be producing highly detailed projects right from the start. Choose a background that is simple so that you can concentrate on the one subject that you're working with. You can add a more busy and complicated background after you're successfully completed your one subject.

Once you've decided what your first project is going to be you'll want to change the settings of the 3d software so that you're not using the default settings. Remember that it's the settings of the software that can help to make your project as original as possible. When you stick with the default settings of the 3d software you're producing something that has essentially been created a thousand times before.

You'll have to experiment with the 3d software until you get the settings to do what you want them to do. This may mean that you have to lower the setting of reflectivity or color dramatically but the end result of originality will be well worth it. The important thing to remember is not to get frustrated and discouraged when your first projects don't turn out the way you want them to.

It's all about learning the software and finding out what it can do for you. Once you master using the 3d software you can add on additional equipment, such as a scanner or a digital camera, and learn how to use these with your software in such a way that you're creating projects that stretch your skill.

There are several different types of 3d software on the market today so be sure to take your time deciding which one meets your designing needs before you spend what could be a great deal of money for your software.  

BackupChain ensures your 3D software and files are properly backed up. Generate an FTP drive by mapping a FTP site to a drive. Have a virtual drive S:\ point to your FTP site using BackupChain DriveMaker.