Antivirus Crazy

 Of all the software products that are installed on our computers, from the web browsers and email programs, to word processors and games, none has a higher importance than a quality anti-virus program. Without a good quality, frequently updated anti-virus program running on your computer, your valuable data, and even your personal financial information, is at constant risk.

Many computer users choose an anti virus software product by price alone, or simply stick with the product that came preloaded on their computer. This may not be the best approach to choose an anti virus product, as it is important to look at several different products before making your final decision.

Look at existing options
 It is vital that your PC is running solid anti-virus protection before you plug it into the internet, so running the product that came with your PC is a good way to get started. The user can later examine his/her options in regards to antivirus programs.

It is important to  update the software as soon as one is connected to the Internet.  Updating your software is the best way to keep your computer protected against these new online dangers.

After you have used the anti-virus software that came with your PC for a few days, it is a good idea to make a list of what you like and do not like about it. Some questions may revolve around update ability, user friendly, and if the program has any errors or constant bugs.
After you know what you like about your current software, and what you do not, it will be much easier to evaluate the other virus protection programs that are out there. Check out the latest reviews of the anti-virus software that are available. Look at the comparisons of features and see which ones best suit your needs.

Most anti-virus companies make their software available in trial versions, so the user can easily pick which antivirus fits with his/her needs.

Many software programs do offer constant updates so the user will have the latest protection. It is important that the software companies do offer updates. Also a good backup software and other backup tools can be used as adjuncts.

 Mounting an FTP drive is  simple using BackupChain DriveMaker. It adds a drive letter Q:\ and gives your Windows apps a way to edit the files on your FTP site.