Picking the right Server

 Selecting the right server from the numerous ones available is a highly important task. The selected server must be the one best suited to meet all the needs. The selected server should support the current work requirement as well as those which are being anticipated tomorrow. The server should provide the required connectivity with other devices. It is always best to have a server solution which is customizable. The most important factor to be checked is that the server should maintain a level of operating security that is required by the business. A server selected considering these conditions will provide the best performance. The selection of a server is dependent on the applications expected to run on the server, budget and technical complexity involved in setting up and maintaining the server.

People who want to customize the system especially the developers generally go for Linux servers. The advantage of going for a Linux server is that the underlying code can be modified and can be used on a wide variety of platforms. Another option of selecting a server is to go for a remote server service. The various factors that need to be considered while selecting a server are speed, large storage capacity, reliability and security. As a server is expected to provide services to many client computers at once, speed of operation is an important factor. The server should have plenty of disk space if it is to act as a central storage repository. Servers should be reliable as any breakdown can result in heavy loss. The server should be having a lockable case of physical security along with a software security against malicious hackers. It is always desirable to go for a server having warranty and service agreement. The server chosen should be of suitable form factor. Form factor refers to overall size and shape of the server.

A server operating system is designed for stability, reliability and security. The choice of operating system is determined by the use to which the server will be put. In general the choice of server operating system is dependent on familiarity with OS, total cost of ownership and compatibility with any application to be run on the server. The server processor should be capable of handling the operations. The processor varies depending on the size of business and criticality of the mission or operation of the server. If the server operation can’t be unavailable for even short period of time, then it is better to go for hardened standalone server which is fitted with extra parts like extra power supply making it more reliable. Another option is to go for a server cluster which involves two or more servers connected to a shared storage device. If the applications that need to be run on the server are of critical behavior, a fault tolerant server can be selected. The selection of the right server results in efficient operation resulting in excellent performance. So now you can see why choosing the right server is so important to a user.

BackupChain server backup solution will ensure your software and files are properly backed up. Many ask: How can I map to an FTP server as a drive? You can, using BackupChain DriveMaker! This simple utility maps FTP sites to a drive, such as J:\, and works just like a hard drive. You can copy and edit files on the FTP site without downloading and uploading them all the time.