Backup software ready for Windows Server 2025 with Hyper-V backup, cloud backup, VMware backup, disk cloning & imaging, P2V/V2V/V2P, and FTPS server
Backup software ready for Windows Server 2025 with Hyper-V backup, cloud backup, VMware backup, disk cloning & imaging, P2V/V2V/V2P, and FTPS server

How to Restore a File Based Backup of Hyper-V

To restore a Hyper-V virtual machine using the standard file restore process, select the backup task from the Backup Task List (unless restoring on a new machine) and select Restore from the main menu. Proceed with Restore Files and Folders:

Then you need to fill in the details about the backup location. This information is usually preset with the task settings:

Note: You need to select the root folder in this step.

If you open the folder in Windows Explorer, the root folder may look like this:

Notice the C_ folder (for C: drive) and the BackupChain.config files. These files are necessary for restore operations.

Proceed and the backup set selection opens:

Either click Cancel to obtain the full view of all existing backups, or select a particular day and time.

Once you select a restore point you will be presented with the option to automatically restore the entire Hyper-V virtual machine, the option to open Granular Restore (available only in BackupChain Server Enterprise Edition), or to proceed with File Restore. In this tutorial we choose File Restore:

Proceed and click OK and the Restore Screen opens:

Navigate to the folder containing the virtual machine files and check the folder. This will restore all files within this folder as well as all subfolders. The restore process will restore the latest version of each file in the folder. The “latest version” is determined by the date filter at the top of the restore screen. Now proceed by clicking Restore.

If the virtual machine contains snapshots, you need to restore all the files to the same folder, such as C:\VHD. WARNING: Even though the default restore setting does not overwrite files without your permission, you still need to be careful not to overwrite files accidentally!

Click OK and let the restore process finish.

Now add a new Hyper-V machine via the Server Manager and connect to the existing virtual disk:

Try to assign the same or similar settings, such as number of CPUs and RAM, and start the machine.

Backup Software Overview

The Best Backup Software in 2025
Download BackupChain®

BackupChain is the all-in-one server backup software for:
Server Backup
Disk Image Backup
Drive Cloning and Disk Copy
VirtualBox Backup
VMware Backup
Image Backup
FTP Backup
Cloud Backup
File Server Backup
Virtual Machine Backup
BackupChain Server Backup Solution

Hyper-V Backup

  • 18 Hyper-V Tips & Strategies You Need to Know
  • How to Back up Windows 10 Hyper-V VMs
  • Hyper-V Backup



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