Backup software ready for Windows Server 2025 with Hyper-V backup, cloud backup, VMware backup, disk cloning & imaging, P2V/V2V/V2P, and FTPS server
Backup software ready for Windows Server 2025 with Hyper-V backup, cloud backup, VMware backup, disk cloning & imaging, P2V/V2V/V2P, and FTPS server

How to Turn Off Windows 10 Upgrade Notification and Icon

This article shows the steps needed to turn off and get rid of one of the worst nag screens in PC history:
“Upgrade to Windows 10″.

And there is no ‘no, thank you” button! It’s so annoying, some people say it’s as bad as a virus. Well at least it gives us a taste of how Windows 10 is going to be…a marketing outlet for unsolicited Microsoft messages!

How to Turn off the Get Windows 10 Screen

However, a simple registry hack stops this extremely annoying “Get Windows 10” app from showing.

Open regedit.exe and create the path:
Subkey: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate

Add this new field:
DWORD value: DisableOSUpgrade = 1

Then, to eliminate the pest of a nag screen, create this folder as well:
Subkey: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade

And add this new field
DWORD value: ReservationsAllowed = 0

Also create this key
and add the DWORD DisableGwx = 1

In addition, you would want to change the GWX folder settings to prevent Windows from downloading it again. You want to keep the GWX folder but remove all access permissions for everyone, including the system user, but keep access rights for your own, personal user account:
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Windows\System32\GWX, then properties, security, advanced security settings.
Change the owner to your own user, apply, close, then reopen the same screen. Delete all permissions and add your own user as ‘full control’, add “system” and’deny all’ permissions.

One more thing to try is to use the system try ‘customize’ function and ‘hide all notifications’ for GWX.
That should be all!

Give it a reboot and enjoy a Windows 10 free environment where you aren’t constantly interrupted with Microsoft propaganda.
Brought to you by BackupChain backup software, the Professional’s server backup software for Windows.

BackupChain Features

BackupChain offers a multitude of features, including large file backup, cloud storage backup, VM backup, Hyper-V backup, and live backup on various platforms, such as Hyper-V and VMware. Browse through our free Hyper-V software list, try our Windows Server cloud backup, VDI backup, and Vmware Workstation backup. Build your own cloud using BackupChain’s FTP / FTPS backup modules and DriveMaker, the new FTP client alternative that maps FTP sites as a drive letter.

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Hyper-V Backup

  • 18 Hyper-V Tips & Strategies You Need to Know
  • How to Back up Windows 10 Hyper-V VMs
  • Hyper-V Backup



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