Backup software ready for Windows Server 2025 with Hyper-V backup, cloud backup, VMware backup, disk cloning & imaging, P2V/V2V/V2P, and FTPS server
Backup software ready for Windows Server 2025 with Hyper-V backup, cloud backup, VMware backup, disk cloning & imaging, P2V/V2V/V2P, and FTPS server

Windows 10 (Final) Download Link Enterprise Trial / Evaluation

Download the final release of Windows 10 Enterprise (July 29, 2015), directly from Microsoft:

The ISO name is: 10240.16384.150709-1700.TH1_CLIENTENTERPRISE_S_EVAL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO

A Windows 10 product key is not necessary for this evaluation CD.

BackupChain Features

BackupChain backup software is a Windows Server product that is now available for Windows PC backup as well. Our cloud storage backup plans begin at 500 GB each and reach over 35 TB per account, which is plenty to accommodate all kinds of VM backup setups you may have. By the way, you can access your cloud backups also via our free FTP client for Windows 10.
You may wonder, what makes BackupChain the best backup software, especially for virtual machines? Our Hyper-V guest backup system allows you to take a live backup of each of your VMs. This works as a Windows Server backup as well as on other platforms; for example, you could also create a Virtualbox backup and a Vmware backup using separate backup tasks.

A very interesting feature is also file-level restore, which allows you to pull out files from VM guest images and may also be used to recover from a SQL database server backup. The “opposite” feature is granular backup, which permits backing up selective folders and files from a live VM without interruption.

Deduplication may also be used when you set up a FTP / FTPS backup and BackupChain is the only tool on the market with such a feature. Together with deduplication it makes sense to also use BackupChain as a file-level version backup software. Version backup can be used in many different types of settings, such as when backing up Exchange EDB, when setting up backups over the internet, or when backing up a file server. Check out BackupChain today for free and get started now!

Backup Software Overview

The Best Backup Software in 2024
Download BackupChain®

BackupChain is the all-in-one server backup software for:
Server Backup
Disk Image Backup
Drive Cloning and Disk Copy
VirtualBox Backup
VMware Backup
Image Backup
FTP Backup
Cloud Backup
File Server Backup
Virtual Machine Backup
BackupChain Server Backup Solution

Hyper-V Backup

  • 18 Hyper-V Tips & Strategies You Need to Know
  • How to Back up Windows 10 Hyper-V VMs
  • Hyper-V Backup



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