Backup software ready for Windows Server 2025 with Hyper-V backup, cloud backup, VMware backup, disk cloning & imaging, P2V/V2V/V2P, and FTPS server
Backup software ready for Windows Server 2025 with Hyper-V backup, cloud backup, VMware backup, disk cloning & imaging, P2V/V2V/V2P, and FTPS server

Carbonite vs. Acronis vs. BackupChain Cloud Backup Plans Review

Below is a comparison reviewing Carbonite vs. Acronis vs. BackupChain Cloud Backup plans (Pricing  as of May 8, 2015).


Carbonite           Acronis            BackupChain

1 TB                1 TB               1 TB
$1,499.99 yearly    899.99 yearly      $479.99 yearly

2 TB                2 TB               2 TB
$2,499.84 yearly    $1,699.99 yearly   $949.99 yearly

BackupChain cloud backup plans are high-speed, server-grade offsite storage plans that integrate with BackupChain Backup Software.

Use BackupChain to back up Hyper-V, VMware, your NAS, file servers, external drives, Microsoft Exchange, SQL Server, and virtual machines to the cloud.


What is Cloud Backup?

Cloud backup is the process of backing up files, data, and entire systems or virtual machines to a cloud-based server. Usually the connection from one server to another is over the Internet but may also be provided using VPNs or private links.

Cloud Backup Solutions

Cloud backup solutions are software solutions and services that enable companies to securely move their files and data from one location to the other. Moreover, cloud backup solutions also offer archiving and encryption.

How to Restore a Cloud Backup

Cloud backups are usually restored using the application that backed up the data; however, some services also allow alternative means to access information from anywhere. For example, the BackupChain cloud allows access via FTPS (encrypted FTP) that may be used in certain scenarios and through web browsers.

Enterprise-Grade Cloud Backup or Server-Grade Cloud Backup

Enterprise grade or server-grade cloud backup offers retention period handling, archiving, and features for automated backup and restore of various services, such as Microsoft Exchange, Hyper-V, VMware, SQL Server, etc.

Why use Cloud Backup?

Taking local backups is always the first step; however, theft, fire, and other local disasters may destroy the original data media as well as backup media and devices. In order to diversify and mitigate data loss risk, organizations today also add cloud backups to their portfolio, which offer various advantages over other backup strategies.

Why use the BackupChain Cloud?

The BackupChain Cloud service is for many users the best value enterprise-grade cloud backup service available. BackupChain offers highly specialized backup software program features geared towards the professional user and IT administrator. No other backup software on the market offers the same flexibility and range of features at the same price point.

Backup Software Overview

The Best Backup Software in 2025
Download BackupChain®

BackupChain is the all-in-one server backup software for:
Server Backup
Disk Image Backup
Drive Cloning and Disk Copy
VirtualBox Backup
VMware Backup
Image Backup
FTP Backup
Cloud Backup
File Server Backup
Virtual Machine Backup
BackupChain Server Backup Solution

Hyper-V Backup

  • 18 Hyper-V Tips & Strategies You Need to Know
  • How to Back up Windows 10 Hyper-V VMs
  • Hyper-V Backup



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